Michael Rosewell Conductor

Michael Rosewell – DON GIOVANNI

Conducts DON GIOVANNI for English Touring Opera at Hawth, Crawley (4), Marlow Theatre, Canterbury (6), Wolverhampton Grand Theatre (10), Grand Theatre Blackpool (13), Gala Theatre Durham (16), Perth Concert Hall (19), Exeter Northcott Theatre (25/26/28) and Curve, Leicester (30/31)

Matthew Stiff Bass Baritone

Matthew Stiff – DON GIOVANNI

Leporello DON GIOVANNI in Crawley (4), Canterbury (6), Wolverhampton (10), Blackpool (13) Durham (16), Perth (19), Exeter (25/26/28) and Leicester (30/31) and cover Lamberto PIA DE’ TOLOMEI in Exeter (24) for English Touring Opera